* Since I LOVE both photography and food I figured I would switch off between Photography Fun Fridays and Food Fridays. *
You can go with these simple babybel umbrella's. Or..
These super duper Cute babybel girls! Or my personal favorite

Happy Friday everyone! First things first the winner (chosen using Random.org) of the ebook -The Key To Taking Pictures Like A Professional Photographer by Katie Evans is:
Commenter #5 Lytles said:
"The book looks great! I would love to win it!"
Congratulations! I hope you enjoy the book as much as I did!
Now on to Food Friday. I don't know about you but my family LOVES cheese in pretty much every kind and shape. One of our particular favorites are Laughing Cows Mini Babybel cheese.
They are so cute and just the perfect size for lunches and snacking. If you haven't tried them you totally should! Of course if they aren't quite cute enough you can always follow Tiffany's directions on Cute Food For Kids and do the following:
You can go with these simple babybel umbrella's. Or..
These super duper Cute babybel girls! Or my personal favorite
This awesome babyel Angry Bird!
And this is just a few of the adorable creations on Cute Food for Kids. I am not sure if there is anything Tiffany can't make out of babybel cheese! She has a gift for making the most ADORABLE kids food. Her adorable babybel creations are only the beginning. I seriously spent and entire evening pouring over her blog! She has so many easy cute food ideas that there is sure to be something that both you and your kids will love. I cannot wait to pick up some more babybels so I can make them even cuter. Now I just have to decided which one to make first...